Monday, 27 January 2014

PhD in Management Sciences Seminar on Open Innovation and Open Business Models: Personal reflections and take aways

Last week I was given the opportunity to attend the PhD in Management Sciences Seminar on Open Innovation and Open Business Models at the ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, run by Professors Henry Chesbrough and Wim Vanhaverbeke. 

For any researcher conducting research or is interested in the field of open innovation, attending a seminar where the father of open innovation himself is present is an amazing moment and I am very happy to have been given the chance to be part of it. 

The seminar itself reflected the multidisciplinarity of the open innovation paradigm, since it brought together a number of promising PhD students from all around Europe who shared their different views and approaches and had the chance to exchange ideas, valuable know-how, best practices and receive feedback both on their current and future research orientation. 

I particularly enjoyed seeing the investigation of open innovation in various empirical settings and this shows the magic and the foundation of this paradigm and its applicability within various research steams. 

Another important element lies within the fact that this particular seminar happened to coincide with the closing of the 10-year circle since the introduction of the theory in 2003 and the publication of the upcoming book by Chesbrough, Vanhaverbeke and West in 2014 that discusses the new frontiers and applications of open innovation, the learning outcomes and the new research streams that are being opened for the future.  
My personal learning outcomes from the seminar and the interaction both with the professors and the other other participants are related to the overwhelming richness of the theory of open innovation, the breadth and depth of analysis, the numerous research opportunities yet to come and also the amazingly friendly and dynamic atmosphere that was developed among everybody which facilitated a a smooth and vibrant learning atmosphere and environment and offered the chance for valuable sharing of knowledge, attitudes, values and cultural elements within the discussion of cutting-edge topics in the field of open innovation and innovation management in general. 

This is definitely a must-attend seminar for any PhD student and scholar in the field of open innovation. 

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